About Me 👨‍💻

Welcome to my personal website. I'm Soheil Khaledabadi, a passionate backend developer dedicated to crafting innovative software solutions. My objective is to transform ideas into reality and continually enhance my skills.


I'm a backend developer with expertise in the following areas:


Backend Developer at Asrez

I have been working with Asrez for a year, dedicated to back-end development and contributing to several exciting projects.

You can visit the Asrez website here.

Backend Developer at Kashan Tejarat

During my time at Kashan Tejarat, I served as a Backend Developer, contributing to various projects. You can check out some of my work here.


Shopping Admin Panel with Laravel & Livewire

This project involves creating a robust admin panel to manage an e-commerce platform. It utilizes Laravel for the backend structure and Livewire for dynamic frontend interactions. The panel also offers a comprehensive API for scalability and flexibility.

GitHub URL: Shop Admin Panel